Sunday, January 23, 2011

Christmas 2010

Though we've been married for almost five years now, this was the first time we've actually hosted Christmas.  My parents, Kari, and Mark came up to Cleveland for a few days and we all had a great time.  What made it especially fun was Luke's excitement for anything and everything to do with Christmas, whether it was the Christmas tree, lights, Santa, presents... and even egg nog.  Seriously, the kid couldn't get enough of the egg nog. 

Pictures do a better job of telling the story than me, so here we go...

Shocking I know, but we had a White Christmas here in Cleveland.  Here's Grandma getting nailed with a a snowball, courtesy of Luke...

He thought it was pretty funny...

On Christmas Eve, we had a little program where we sang some carols, read the story of Jesus' birth in the Bible, watched a short DVD about the Nativity, and then let the boys see their new stockings (made by their Grammy!) and open their Christmas Eve present (pj's!). 

It's safe to say that Christmas day was a success with the boys, they thoroughly enjoyed opening all their presents. 

Not surprisingly, Leo was content enough to just play with the wrapping and packaging!

And there we have it... the Christmas post only a month late!

Sunday, January 16, 2011


In a continuing effort to catch up on what was on our old camera, I'll post some pictures here from November and December.  I'm way too behind to do much storytelling, but that will return next week when I do a Christmas post (sneak preview: we had a great Christmas!). 

Here are the boys looking pretty sharp before church:

Leo makes one cool firefighter:

One of the things we were most bummed out about when we thought we lost our camera was losing pictures of Luke putting the ornaments up on our first real Christmas tree.  Without further ado:

The boys also got to see Santa IN PERSON! ;) you can see, they were thrilled.  And finally, here's us boys just hanging out:

Sunday, January 9, 2011

The Return of the Camera

Yes, we're still here!  And I come bearing good news... we found our old camera!  Believe it or not, it was pretty much right under our noses.  I was cleaning out our car in anticipation of packing up for our New Years' weekend trip to Pennsylvania and found it in the little compartment between the front seats.  So anyway... obviously there is much to catch up on from the holidays, but I'll have to go back quite a ways to catch up now that we have our pictures from the old camera. 

We'll start with Leo's birthday party with the Cross family.  Yes, I know he's 14 months old now, but better late than never!