Friday, March 19, 2010

Hanging Out

Here are some pictures of the boys just hanging out (this first one features quite the stare from Leo)...

And here's another classic "watching tv" picture, with Leo yet again striking quite the pose...

Leo's thinking, "Why don't I have any clothes on?!"...

A couple weeks ago, we went up to PA for a quick visit at the beginning of Spring Break.  Here's one of Courtney and Leo reading magazines on the couch...

We also did a Chuck-E-Cheese trip while we were up there.  I remember thinking the place was pretty awesome as a kid, but I was a bit underwhelmed to revisit it as an adult.  The pizza was still good, though, and Luke had fun...

...but Leo decided to take the opportunity to snooze a bit...

Thursday, March 11, 2010

Going for a Walk

A couple weeks ago, we got some good pictures from a walk we went on.  I already posted some pictures of Leo from this, but there are some more good ones.

Also, today is Courtney's birthday!  I'll most likely have a post on that later.  This morning, Luke was saying that he wanted it to be his birthday again, too... he really enjoyed turning 2!  I asked him how old he was and he said... "I'm 13!"  Fortunately, he's not 13 quite yet... :)

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Learning to Crawl

Ok, so Leo isn't actually learning to crawl yet.  But these pictures of the boys from last month are pretty cute.  Luke decided to imitate Leo and then show him how to crawl, but Leo wasn't going to budge!

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Time to catch up again...

I find myself quite behind again with the blogging, so I'll have to do some catching up again.  We just got back today from a quick trip to PA.  But for now, I thought I'd share some recent pictures of little Leo.  He's 4 months old now!  At his doctor's appointment a couple weeks ago, he weighed 16 lbs. 2 oz.  Just like Luke, he's certainly not having any problems in the growth department!

Monday, March 1, 2010

May I help you?

Here are Luke and Leo with some great "What do you want?" faces:

How dare we interrupt a riveting episode of Sesame Street to take pictures!